Alexander Chatsky from Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit": description and character of a hero

  1. Brief description of Chatsky
  2. Hero biography
  3. Description of Chatsky
  4. Contradictions in the character of the hero
  5. The peculiar worldview of the hero
  6. Brief quoting characteristic of Chatsky
  7. Value image Chatsky

Alexander Chatsky is the main character of the comedy “Woe from Wit”, written by a famous writer   A Alexander Chatsky is the main character of the comedy “Woe from Wit”, written by a famous writer A. Griboedov in poetic form. The author of this most interesting work for many years in Russian literature is considered a harbinger of a new socio-psychological type, which is given the name “extra person”.

The comedy was written in the years of the revolutionary secret organizations of the Decembrists. The author has touched in her the struggle of progressively-minded people with the society of noblemen and serf-owners, in other words, the struggle of the new and old outlook. In A. A. Chatsky, the writer embodied many of the qualities of an advanced man of the era in which he was himself. According to his convictions , the hero he created is close to the Decembrists .

Brief description of Chatsky

The nature of Chatsky in a comedy can be defined as follows:

  • in a variety of emotional and at the same time, a simple portrait;
  • the positivity of a hero who is a born maximalist;
  • in all his feelings and actions.

If he falls in love, then to such an extent that “the whole world seems like dust and bustle” to him, he has an unbearable honesty and an extraordinary mind, constantly eager for additional knowledge. Thanks to his knowledge, he soberly sees the problems of politics, the deprived state of Russian culture, pride and honor in people, but at the same time is completely blind in love affairs. Chatsky is a strong personality, a fighter by nature, and he breaks into a fight with everyone at once, but often gets disappointed instead of winning.

Hero biography

The young nobleman, the son of the late friend Famusov , returns to his beloved, Famusova, Sophie, whom he has not seen for three long years;  Chatsky was familiar with her since childhood The young nobleman, the son of the late friend Famusov , returns to his beloved, Famusova, Sophie, whom he has not seen for three long years; Chatsky was familiar with her since childhood. When they matured, they fell in love with each other, but the unpredictable Chatsky unexpectedly went abroad, from where he had not written a word all the time. Sophia was offended for what was left abandoned, and when the lover arrived, she met him "coldly". Chatsky himself says that "he wanted to go round the whole world, but did not go round one hundredth of it," while military service served as the main reason for his departure, after which, according to his plan, he wanted to meet with Sophia.

His love for this girl is a sincere feeling. He wants to believe in reciprocity, so he cannot believe that she is in love with Molchalin. But he understands that he is mistaken when he becomes a witness to his explanation with Liza. After that, Chatsky suffers and calls his love insanity. In response to his words, Sophia says that "reluctantly crazy". This statement was the beginning of the development of gossip about the madness of the hero , as well as, in the opinion of many, a person of dangerous convictions.

Personal drama Chatsky not only gives movement to the whole plot, but also complicates and deepens the drama of society, which is confirmed in the comedy by the increase in his sharp attacks against noble Moscow. And in such a criticism of the views and customs of Famusovsky society, it is clearly visible, against which Chatsky is speaking and what his views are.

In fact, the hero of the picture does not do anything, for which he is declared insane. He expresses his opinion, but the former world fights with his word , using slander. And the problem is that in this struggle, the unpleasant views of Chatsky lose, because the former world is so strong that the hero sees no reason to argue and runs from the house of Famusov to another city. But this flight can not be perceived as a defeat, because the intransigence of opinions puts the hero in a tragic situation.

Description of Chatsky

Chatsky direct, proud and noble man who boldly expresses his opinion Chatsky direct, proud and noble man who boldly expresses his opinion. He does not want to live in the past and sees the truth of the future, does not accept the cruelty of landowners, opposes serfdom, careerism, servility, ignorance and the wrong attitude of society towards slave morality and ideals of the past century. Due to the fact that he is a fighter for justice and wants to benefit society, it is difficult for him to be in an immoral society, because among the lying and vile people he cannot find a place for himself.

In his opinion , society remains exactly the same as it was three years ago. He proclaims respect and humanity for the common man and the service of the cause, and not for persons who are against the freedom of thought and speech; affirms progressive ideas of existing life and modernity, the prosperity of art and science, as well as respect for the national culture.

Chatsky well writes, translates, looking for knowledge on travel and serves in the Ministry. At the same time, he does not bow to foreigners and boldly advocates domestic education.

His beliefs are revealed in disputes and monologues with representatives of Famusov society. His rejection of serfdom, he confirms in the memoirs of the theater "Nes tor of noble scoundrels", in which he emphasizes the exchange of faithful servants for greyhounds.

Interesting: brief Characteristics of the main characters "Woe from Wit" Griboedov.

Contradictions in the character of the hero

If you carefully get a glimpse into the conflict between the hero of the picture and people with whom he has nothing left to argue about, you can understand that his character is ambiguous. This is clearly expressed in his following statements:

  • when he comes to Sophia and begins a conversation with words in which he uses sarcasm and a caustic tone: “Has your uncle otprygal his age?”;
  • at the same time, it does not set itself the goal of stabbing its interlocutors and Sophia, so she asks her in surprise: "... Can it be that my words all ... are prone to harm?"

The image of Chatsky in the play is a hot-tempered and in some words tactless nobleman, in which his lover reproaches him The image of Chatsky in the play is a hot-tempered and in some words tactless nobleman, in which his lover reproaches him. And yet this sharp tone can be justified by the sincere indignation of the existing immorality of the society in which it is forced to be. And to fight him is a matter of his honor.

This behavior of the hero is due to the fact that all the issues that affect him, do not find a response in the soul of this confronting person, because he is smart and able to analyze and predict a new future, without serfdom and arrogance. That is why he can not cope with their own emotions and indignation. His mind is not in tune with the heart, which means that he is wasting his eloquence, including on those who are completely unprepared for the perception of his beliefs and arguments.

The peculiar worldview of the hero

Chatsky in a comedy reveals the author’s worldview Chatsky in a comedy reveals the author’s worldview. He, like Griboedov, cannot understand and accept the slave worship of the Russian people for foreigners. In the play, the tradition is ridiculed several times, according to which it is customary to hire teachers from abroad to raise children; The author emphasizes: "... they bother to recruit teachers ... more than ... more cheaply."

Chatsky has a special relationship with the service. For Sophia’s father, Chatsky’s opponent, Famusov’s attitude to him in this work is precisely defined in the following words: “does not serve ... and in that ... does not find any benefit”. Chatsky's answer regarding such a statement also clearly reflects his position: "I would be glad to serve, if you are content to be nauseated."

Therefore, he speaks with such anger about the habits of society, which angered him, namely, in a contemptible attitude to disadvantaged people and the ability to curry favor with influential people. If Maxim Petrovich, Uncle Famusova, delivers a role model for the empress’s pleasure at her reception and tries to serve her, then for Chatsky he is no more than a jester, and he doesn’t see those who could set a good example for the conservative nobility . In the eyes of the hero of the play, these aristocrats are opponents of a free life , prone to idleness and agitation, they are “passionate for the ranks,” and they do not care about justice.

Annoying the main character and the desire of nobles everywhere to cling to useful acquaintances. He believes that they attend the balls precisely for this purpose, and do not agree with this, because, in his opinion, one should not mix things with fun, because everything should have its time and place.

In one of Chatsky’s monologues, the author emphasizes his dissatisfaction with the fact that, as soon as a person appears in society who wishes to devote himself to art or science, and not to a thirst for a rank, everyone becomes afraid of him. He is sure that such people are afraid, because they threaten the comfort and well-being of the nobles, because they are introducing new ideas into the structure of the established society, and the aristocrats do not want to part with the old way of their life. That is why gossip about his madness is very useful, because it allows you to disarm the enemy in unwanted nobles views.

Brief quoting characteristic of Chatsky

All the traits of Chatsky’s character and his manner of communication will never be accepted by a society that would like to live peacefully and change nothing All the traits of Chatsky’s character and his manner of communication will never be accepted by a society that would like to live peacefully and change nothing. But the main character can not agree with this. He is smart enough to understand the baseness, egoism and ignorance of aristocrats , and he vehemently expresses his opinion, trying to open his eyes to the truth. However, the truth does not need the well-established principles of the old Moscow life, which the hero of the play cannot resist. Based on the irrelevant, but at the same time, smart arguments of Chatsky, he is called crazy, which once again proves the cause of "grief from the mind."

Let us cite as an example some statements of the protagonist:

  • After hearing what Famusov said about Maxim Petrovich, Chatsky said: "He despises people ... to yawn on the ceiling ...";
  • He contemptuously condemns the last century: "The direct was the century of humility" and approves of young people who have no greedy desire to fit into the regiment of aristocrats and "clowns";
  • Has a critical attitude to the settling of foreigners in Russia: “Will we resurrect ... from the alien power of fashion? So that ... the people ... did not count us as Germans ... ”.

A A. A. Chatsky, in essence, does a good thing, because with such statements he keeps under protection the right of a person and the freedom to choose, for example, occupations: to live in the village, to travel, “to trust the mind” in science or to devote his life ” arts ... high and beautiful. "

The hero’s aspiration is not “to obey”, but “to serve the cause, not the faces” - this is an allusion to the behavior of progressively -minded young people to change society in an educational and peaceful way.

In his statements, he does not shy away from such popular words as “just now,” “tea,” “more”; he uses in his sayings sayings, proverbs, and the following popular expressions: “utter nonsense to grind,” “not on the hair of love,” and easily quotes the classics: “and the smoke of the Fatherland is pleasant for us ...”. In addition, it confirms your mind and knowledge using foreign words, but only if they have no analogues in Russian.

He is lyric in tales of love for Sophia, ironic, sometimes makes fun of Famusov, a bit eater, because he does not accept criticism, which, in his opinion, is a critic of "the last century."

Chatsky - not an easy character. If we talk with witty phrases, he will immediately mark the eye with beads and “scatter” the characteristics he derived. The protagonist of this complex comedy is sincere, and this is the most important thing, despite the fact that his emotions are considered unacceptable. But at the same time they can be considered the inner wealth of the hero, because thanks to them it is possible to determine his present state.

Value image Chatsky

Creating an image of Chatsky is the author’s desire to show the Russian people the ripening schism of the emerging nobility Creating an image of Chatsky is the author’s desire to show the Russian people the ripening schism of the emerging nobility. The role of this hero in the play is dramatic, because he is in the minority of those who are forced to retreat in this verbal struggle for justice and leave Moscow. But he does not give up his views even in such a situation.

Griboyedov had no task to show the weakness of his hero, on the contrary, thanks to his image, he showed the absence of a strong society and the beginning of the time of Chatsky. And therefore, it is no coincidence that such heroes are considered in literature as “superfluous people.” But a conflict has been revealed, which means that a change from the old to the new is inevitable as a result.

According to I.A. Goncharov, the role of Chatsky in this work is “passive” and at the same time he is both the “best warrior” and the “foreman” and the “victim”. “The hero is broken by the amount of old power, but at the same time gives her a fatal blow with the quality of fresh power,” the writer said.

A.S. Pushkin after reading the play, he noted that the first sign of an intelligent person is considered to be that at first glance you need to know who you are dealing with, and not to throw beads before the Repetilovs, but I. A. Goncharov, on the contrary, thought that Chatsky’s speech “is boiling with wit ".

Are prone to harm?
From the alien power of fashion?