Dai New Year (Water Splashing Festival)...
On one of the days it’s seems like everybody gathers on the river bank of the Lancang (Mekong) River to watch the Dragon boat races. Each boat with about 50 rowers, a couple more people on the rudder and a few more on the front of the boat who dance and play drums, There’s a real carnival atmosphere here with sideshows, dancing shows and people enjoying traditional Dai barbecue. Every so often you hear the ‘Whoosh’ of a homemade bamboo rockets, called a Gaosheng, packed with gunpowder being launched into the air.
All the women look beautiful in their traditional Dai dresses.
Water Splashing day involves, well water splashing. Be prepared to get wetter than you thought was possible, especially if you’re a foreigner when the locals and Chinese tourists alike seem to want to give you more good luck than you probably need. It gets started in the morning and lasts throughout the day until around 6 o’clock. Most of the roads are free of traffic except for the occasional brave (or foolish) motorcycle rider and pillion that each gets a soaking. There seems to be three methods of blessing your fellowman (or woman). 1) Mainly for the old and the young, is to simply cup a small amount of water in ones hand and sprinkle it over the head or down the back of your chosen blessee.
3) Which is becoming more popular mainly the tourists who visit the Water Splashing Festival, is to purchase a high powered water soaker complete with extra storage tanks of water worn on ones back. These guns hurt if you get shot in the eye or the ear or any other tender parts of the body. Tour groups seem to walk around the city in small ‘tour group armies’, battling it out with each other when they meet. When people start leaving the streets and vehicles take there place, don’t think you’re safe from a dowsing. Lorries and pick-up trucks filled with water and several passengers join the party. Normally blessing each other but sometimes catching out the unsuspecting person in their dry clothes who thought if was all over. All three days are excellent fun and a must see if your in the area. For more pictures of events at the Dai Water Splashing Festival please click this link. |